Yes, I know she shouldn't be swinging on a cold swing but you tell her that!

Really? Did you have to suggest a walk? Next time think before you open your mouth!
The hat looked cute in the store, maybe next year it will fit.

Look at what I built! In case you are wondering that's a snowman...

I'm going to have to get better mitts next winter....

Okay, now I'm getting cold.

Hi Mom, yes there is still green grass under the two inches of snow...

The requisite snowangel by my little angel (the other little angel was tucked in his carseat, covered in blankets).

I've been trying to get shots of clothes that T and R have worn that I particularly loved. This jacket I bought at a yard sale and despite T not having the chance to wear it much (it was either too big or too small when it was the right weather to wear it in), I still wanted a good shot of it!

These are the frames that eventually where painted green, pink and blue (and decorated with lots of flowers). The marker just wouldn't dry...

These are T's crafts from Thanksgiving and Christmas. The lamb figured prominently in her Christmas pagent. Each kid held their lamb and sang a song (don't ask me the title of the song but it was about a lamb and not Mary's)

Meet T the conquerer and her side kick Stunned like a Deer in the Headlights!
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