I'm told that when you have children, its not about you anymore. Well, I guess its not. I really don't nave much to say but I figure everyone wants to see pictures of T so here you go!

We ended the month enjoying some very warm (20C) weather..

T rediscovered her favourite culinary hat, my Nan's tea cozy!

T can put on her shoes but hasn't quite got it that the socks have to go on first...

She's a little Amela Marcos but at least the shoes go on the right feet, most of the time.

T spent inauguration day. practicing putting on her mitts...

..'playing' on my laptop and trying to change the TV station to Sesame Street...

...practicing her little Orphan Annie pose...

...trying on last year's summer dresses over her winter duds....

Watching Sesame Street..finally.

T took a Tumbletots class at the Y..she is playing with a hoola hoop here...
Walking over gym mats...

Crawling under gym mats...

Learning to type.
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