A week or so ago, the local big consignment sale was going on. I went the first day (Thursday), shopping mainly for R and well, it while it was okay, it just wasn't as fun as shopping for T at the same age. Boys clothes are just boring. There I said it.
Thursday night, they did a reset and added extra stock they had held back so as not to overwhelm the racks on the first day. I had to go back to see if I could score more deals. However, that meant I had to take both kids with me. T had been in 'camp school' on Thursday so I only had one kid to curtail and keep tabs on while trying to find a deal.
So back we went on Friday. And we did score some deals. T spotted a few dresses she liked for play dressed and at consignment sale prices, I could afford to get a few. She got a fairy dress (lots of tulle), a handmade red number, and two dresses that will fit her a ways from now. That being said, she has been wearing one of the size 7 dresses as it nearly fits her if only a bit long.
I had told the kids (read: I told T) that if they behaved I'd let them each pick out a toy. A little bribery I've found goes a long way.
Well, T found just what she has been waiting for: a microphone. They had a microphone and stand boxed up new and one that had been used. There was an $8 difference so I picked up the used one.
We couldn't get it to work so we high tailed it back for the new in the box one. It was $20 but I figured we would get a bit of use out of it. We all know T loves to sing even if she can't really hold a decent note.
I turned back to R to see about what we could get him but he had already decided he wanted a drum. How he managed to grab it, I'll never know. The drum was $3 so it averaged out to $12 per kid. More than I wanted to spend but they did behave.
Off we went to pay and then home.
We barely got in the door and T wanted her fairy dress on and the microphone out of its box and assembled ASAP. Its a good thing we have a stash of various sizes of batteries. Having to wait until we could pick up additional batteries would have done in T.
She wore her fairy dress all day and switched out for the red one for a little bit.
I was out most of the following day (Saturday), only to return to find a tear in the back of the fairy dress. Now I get to try to patch tulle. Apparently, from what I've patched together from T, the fairy dress got caught on the red dress and being a 4 year old, she pulled them apart. At least the tear is in the back at the bottom so it won't affect any future pictures too badly.
Enjoy the pictures!
My little torch singer!


What did R do during the serenading? Eat his lunch.

Admiring her 'new to her" shoes from the sale

Isn't blowing bubbles the first thing you think of when the new toy gets boring?

Fairy T and her walking stick (just like "Old Nana")

Just because its a great shot!
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