Monday, May 23, 2011

Someone had his first birthday!

So given how slow I appear to have become at getting important event photos out, I thought I'd better get these out before I head out on our next adventure.

We had R's first birthday party on Sunday (so that was yesterday, right?). He had the usual friends over and we had cake and prezzies.

A friend's sister was kind enough to make a cake and decorate it for R. We did an Elmo party...why Elmo? 'Cause I got a deal on first birthday napkins at the dollar store and they had Elmo on them. Also, we used to have a talking Elmo we got from a garage sale when T was R's age but he has ceased to function but worked well as decor. And besides who doesn't love Elmo?

Here are a select few shots, enjoy!

Big sister wishing Little brother a happy birthday!

The Elmo Cake

The Elmo cake!

Elmo cupcakes

Aunt A wasn't sure there was going to be enough cake so she made back up cupcakes!

Getting ready

Getting ready...

Getting set

Getting set...

Making a wish

Making a wish...

Out goes the candle!

All done!

Stick my fingers in the icing

The obligatory sticking of one's finger in the icing...


Tastes like....RED!

mr serious

Not quite sure what all the hoopla is about these box things is...but Big Sister is certainly into them!

All smiles

A truck!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

So what do I do with my spare time??

This blog is usually, if not always about the kids. That's what I set it up for and that's what it will remain. However, I can't mentally survive on sloppy kisses and drool filled hugs alone. I need something for me.

So with what little spare time I have, I've been working on my photos I've taken over the last few years. Ideally, I'd love to start a business, maybe an Etsy site and be able to make a little money to offset my expensive photographic hobby.

Here's my site so far. If you have any feedback, I'd love to hear it!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Some photos of my 1 year old!











Someone needs a new bed...

Every once and a while T just doesn't want to go to bed. When she was a little younger, we'd find her sleeping on the floor of her room. She would spread out all her blankets and baby blankets on the floor. She would lovingly place all her friends on the blankets, then finally settle down on the floor herself.

One night I even found her sleeping under her bed.

She's been doing much better lately, until one night, S came into the living room and asked me if I'd seen T. I asked why, as she should be in bed.

Apparently she wasn't. S had walked down the hallway to our bedroom several times before he noticed something odd.

See the photographs below.




Thursday, May 19, 2011

Somebody turned 4 years old!

How we got to 4 I will never know...its seems like just yesterday we brought T home from the hospital and now she's turned 4. I thought 2 and 3 were bad, I think 4 is going to be worse.

Aside from that, we had a few parties to celebrate the great event. One that was actually on her birthday, one with close friends and one with my parents when they can to visit.

Here are some pictures from our first, second and third parties. The party with my parents was a joint party for both R and T. R didn't get it but T was all too interested in opening his parents.

In fact, she has decided that many of the toys R got for his birthday are now hers. How that will change in the not too distant future.

Its worth mentioning that we also took special treats to her Day Out program and preschool. It was a lot of work but T loved every minute of it.

Birthday Jean Dress

Our day started with a party dress for preschool. Amazingly, not one stitch had any cupcake or icing after school.

T and the Princess bag

T got two huge gifts bags full of stuff. Both were nearly as tall as she is!

T and the Shirt

I raided my stash of gifts I've been squirreling away. One such item was a UV sunsuit top(to cover up her fair skin when we are outside) with a super girl motif.

t modelling the princess dress

Another one of my squirreled away items...a princess dress accompanied by a tiara/wand from two Christmases' ago and a ballet skirt from this past Christmas.

Birthday Princess Leapster 2
She finally settled down long enough to play her new Spongebob Leapster game.


She also got a HUGE bucket full of Playdoh. I've been getting many different creations and gifts lately from this set.

The second party...

cake stand princess

T asked for a princess birthday even though she can't name one of the Disney princesses...

Before the party

All decked out for her big parrtttyy!

Cake stand with cupcakes

The cupcakes! The chocolate ones are gluten free (a few of our guests have Celiac, a gluten allergy) and the pink ones are extras from the preschool bash.

the cupcake shot

The obligatory shot of T eating her 'cake'.


Its like a pack of wolves who haven't eaten in days when the presents come out.

The third party...

GG Nan Birthday 1

Opening presents...

Nan GG birthday 4

Another dress with matching jellies! Yes, folks we've lived long enough to see jelly shoes come back...I shudder to think what else is going to come back in style, pinned jeans?

Why you should not get up at 5am...

So there have been far too many days lately where little Ms. T has decided to wake up at 5am...

She did this once when my parents were visiting a few weeks ago. Later on that day, Mom had been doing a crafting project with her. Dad, S and myself were outside in the garage. Mom came creeping out of the house and asked me quietly to come inside. She asked me to grab my camera but won't say why.

This was why....

Getting up at 5am does this 2

T should be very glad she doesn't live in a frat house or she would have shaved eyebrows, a magic marker moustache and her hand in a bowl of water.

T was so tired, I was able to take several pictures, carry her to her bed and tuck her in for a nap.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy belated Easter!

Easter arrived very quickly this year. By early, I mean literally early. T got up at 5AM.

The Easter bunny had 'hid' eggs around the living and dining room. Little Miss Keen Eyes spotted them but had to wait until everyone was up before she could collect her prize.

I think next year we will have to put the kids names on the plastic eggs so that things stay fair.

Here is a picture of the kids with their new ears!


If I were a butterfly....

Yes, yes, I know I'm behind on the birthday and Easter pictures. My parents have been visiting and despite my efforts to get other stuff done successfully, I have failed to get those shots edited. Its on my list, I promise.

Today T sang at her preschool's church's 11am service. They sang, "If I was a butterfly...". I would post the video but sadly both the 3 yr old class and 4 yr old classes sang together so my little short kid got stuck in the back row in the impromtu lining up that ensued.

Take it from me, the 3 yr old class didn't do all the actions that T has been deligently practicing...she does a mean butterfly impression!

Anyways, here she is before the service in her new pink dress and pink jelly shoes...too cute.

Talia service 2

Talia service 1