How we got to 4 I will never know...its seems like just yesterday we brought T home from the hospital and now she's turned 4. I thought 2 and 3 were bad, I think 4 is going to be worse.
Aside from that, we had a few parties to celebrate the great event. One that was actually on her birthday, one with close friends and one with my parents when they can to visit.
Here are some pictures from our first, second and third parties. The party with my parents was a joint party for both R and T. R didn't get it but T was all too interested in opening his parents.
In fact, she has decided that many of the toys R got for his birthday are now hers. How that will change in the not too distant future.
Its worth mentioning that we also took special treats to her Day Out program and preschool. It was a lot of work but T loved every minute of it.

Our day started with a party dress for preschool. Amazingly, not one stitch had any cupcake or icing after school.

T got two huge gifts bags full of stuff. Both were nearly as tall as she is!

I raided my stash of gifts I've been squirreling away. One such item was a UV sunsuit top(to cover up her fair skin when we are outside) with a super girl motif.

Another one of my squirreled away items...a princess dress accompanied by a tiara/wand from two Christmases' ago and a ballet skirt from this past Christmas.

She finally settled down long enough to play her new Spongebob Leapster game.

She also got a HUGE bucket full of Playdoh. I've been getting many different creations and gifts lately from this set.
The second party...
T asked for a princess birthday even though she can't name one of the Disney princesses...
All decked out for her big parrtttyy!

The cupcakes! The chocolate ones are gluten free (a few of our guests have Celiac, a gluten allergy) and the pink ones are extras from the preschool bash.

The obligatory shot of T eating her 'cake'.
Its like a pack of wolves who haven't eaten in days when the presents come out.
The third party...

Opening presents...

Another dress with matching jellies! Yes, folks we've lived long enough to see jelly shoes come back...I shudder to think what else is going to come back in style, pinned jeans?