Our day started off busy. We had to finish up T's big girl room as we had started having her sleep in her new big girl room and bed Friday night. This meant more trips to Lowe's to get child proof outlets etc. T decided she wanted a butterfly and flower theme. So far, so good on sleeping in her toddler bed.
Then it was off to T's friend S's birthday party. It was a Haunted Mickey theme. The lady of the hour was a Minnie Witch and her younger sister L (who is recovering from major heart surgery which is why she has a feeding tube) was a family tradition, a devil. The devil costume has been worn by L's mom, aunt, cousin and older sister.
Then it was off to T's friend S's birthday party. It was a Haunted Mickey theme. The lady of the hour was a Minnie Witch and her younger sister L (who is recovering from major heart surgery which is why she has a feeding tube) was a family tradition, a devil. The devil costume has been worn by L's mom, aunt, cousin and older sister.
S's birthday was at the beginning of October but she wanted a Haunted Mickey party so it was postponed until Hallowe'en.
All the kids wore their costumes to the party. I took off T's before the cupcakes and ice cream as I just knew it was going to get dirty. For pictures of the other kids costumes, please visit here.
The kids enjoyed cupcakes, ice cream, haunted oreos and a pumpkin craft. I was exhausted just looking at how much work it was. T's parties are way less elaborate as I just don't have the time. Oh well, maybe for her 3rd birthday.
Then it was on the main event of the day, trick or treating. After the party, we grabbed some take out as we had left the birthday party late. By 6:30pm, we started having knocks at the door.
T went out with S and their respective fathers, while L, her mom and I manned our door. Apparently it was a successful night for both girls, as they came home with quite a haul. There was a lot more throngs of kids this year so the dads had to do a little crowd control or S and T would have been squished.
All ended well until we awoke Sunday morning to find that the local deliquents had smashed every single pumpkin on the block by 'composting' them in the middle of the street. We've never had any issues before leaving out the pumpkin at night but from now on we will have to bring it in. They kindly missed T's little pumpkin.

See I've got my tail and pitchfork all ready!