Monday, August 25, 2008

As the hair grows...

and well, its a shameless review of the last 16 months..

In the beginning (2 months)...

The great toothless wonder (6 months)

The future fashion plate (10 months)

I wonder if this will work..(14 months)

Playing with the big girl sippy cup (16 months)

And a completely gratituous shot (16 months)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Styling with a pink housecoat

Talia recently discovered a gift that was given to her when she was just a baby - a pink housecoat. Now normally, she should have grown out of this coat long before now but Talia is a slight kid who so far is pretty small. The housecoat is Carter's (so naturally its built bigger) 0-9 months size.

One night after her bath, we put it on her just to see if it would fit. It still did, so we left it on her. Now every night she sees it, she wants it on. In fact, S left it on her a couple of nights ago when she went to bed. She was still wearing it the next morning.

Here we have Talia rocking her housecoat with a shrug purse from the Found in and Removed from Mommy's Dresser collection. Talia uses her little red purse to carry the toddler essentials, small plastic farm animals, blocks and the like. She often elegantly carries it around her neck as to keep her hands free for reaching for things off of high shelves designed to keep her searching fingers at bay. Talia scoffs at such measures.

In this fun photo, Talia shows off her oh so chic straw sippy cup by Nuby. Its an excellent accessory to her pink PJs and house coat. Its BPA free and so hip.

Talia demonstrates just how much freedom one has with this housecoat. A toddler can continue with any mayhem and foolishness they desire while still maintaining a fashionable and stylish look. Here she pushes around the laundry basket, sans les vetements but containing toys. How 2008!

Apparently, someone forgot to tell Talia that we are going to Toulouse not Ireland as she dances a little jig.

After a long day of raising cain, Talia takes a chillackzing rest on the floor. Its tough being a toddler, no? The author thinks perhaps she should try being a mommy and see how she likes them apples.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Talia and Sophie's Excellent Adventure

This afternoon, Sophie popped by for a visit while little sis Lily had a dr.'s appt. Its been a while since Sophie was by so the girls had a chance to catch up on the gossip of the last few weeks.

They shared a few secrets of how to turn an ordinary living room into a toddler's paradise of mayhem and foolishness. If you look close you can see the look of absolute glee on Talia's face!
That child loves her accessories - shoes, purses, brushes, belts etc., if you wear it to add flair to your outfit, she wants it! A fashion diva in the making!

They read some books and taught each some French words by reading the bilingual book about bedtime. N'obliuez pas de se brosser ses dents!

Once Talia caught sight of Sophie's big girl sippy cup, we had to get her Monkey cup too, so she could be just like Sophie.

There were a few quiet moments too, but they where fleeting....Talia is teething so she was knawing on eveything...poor Bart (her stuffed dog) - he's not going to have any ears left after this week!

Then Steph and Lily arrived from the dr.s so we all got to hang out for a few. Lily has found her tongue, that or she was politely trying to let us know that she was hungry. Unfortunately, we couldn't catch the Gene Simmons moment on film so you will have to make do with these beauty shots.

If you'd like to check out all the photos from August to date, click here.