Let me start by saying I adore taking pictures of many things. Two of these many things are my kids. However, there is a caveat. I prefer candids. Why? Because I can never get smiles flashing and eyeballs focussed on the camera when I want them.
Here are some outtakes from my first attempt at getting a Christmas card shoot. Let us begin....

Ah yes, the omnipresent pout...it was very visible during the test shots.

Hey Mom, meter this!

Testing out the self timer and the lighting
(Note to Mom, its time to colour your hair and get some sleep!)

R is finally up from his nap, we begin. I'm off on the far left trying to make smiles...some people take after their mom a little too much, Mr. Sober Sides!

One smiling, one looking rather stunned...try again.

One AWOL, one not looking at camera...try again.

One looking dejected, one not paying attention...try again.

Yeah, I hear ya, that look says it all. Why is Bart in the picture?

Cute but not what I'm looking for...

Thought it'd be nice to get a picture with my son as I have so few of me and T at this age...

R finally looks at the camera albeit he is starting to really fuss and T has to get her fingers into the way of the lens!
We finally gave up and went inside after the neighbours started making popcorn and watching us instead of their TVs for entertainment!