Friday, March 7, 2008

Its been too long....

So Mom has been a little remiss on keeping this blog up to date...that's because I have been keeping her away from the computer with all my developments!

Since she last wrote on here, I have accomplished the following:

* Grown seven teeth (four on the top (two front teeth and two eye teeth, and three on the bottom (all front teeth)

* Learned to crawl (circa. Dec. '07 - Dad used the TV remote to encourage me to take my first crawling steps)

* Learned to pull up on everything I can get my hands on

* Learned to creep between furniture

* Learned to stand unaided for about 30 seconds before I land on my padded behind

I also practice daily my different constant sounds and octaves (Mom's got sore ears). Now that I am crawling, I keep Mom pretty much constantly running after me. She has had to shut every door in the house as I like to investigate the bathroom, Mom and Dad's bedroom (where the kitties like to hide from me) and my own room.

I got to go to the zoo last week with my friends and we went thru all of the exhibits. Honestly, I was more interested in watching everyone run around...if only I could join them but it won't be long now! I am slowly moving towards toddlerhood. I turn 11 months next week and in a month I will be ONE WHOLE YEAR OLD! Just the thought that a whole year has blown by brings Mom to tears but she's a bit of a sap when it comes to me.

Stay tuned for more details coming soon!